2024 Kona Big Wave Beach Volleyball League
General Info:
1 Broadway, Point Pleasant
9 week season + playoffs for top 8 teams
June 10 - August 6
Playoffs for top 8 teams in each division: August 12-13
Leagues are 18+
$400/4s team
$500/6s team
Read the League FAQ for roster requirements, weather info, rules & more!
Mondays: Recreational Coed 6s
Rec 1: If you finished with more wins than losses last season and/or your team can keep the play alive and get the ball over the net most of the time
Rec 2: If you finished with more losses than wins last season and/or your team is learning to keep the play alive and get the ball over the net
Tuesdays: Coed 4s
Coed 4s: Typically Coed 4s teams have a little more experience than rec level teams
If you do not have a team, but would like to play, you can sign up for Mondays as a single player and we will do our best to place you with others to form a team!
Important Dates:
Registration closes: June 6
Roster changes due: June 25 (email to info@greatamericanvolleyball.com)
Monday Registration
Tuesday Registration